Thursday, June 26, 2014

Life Without Internet

Life without quiet.  This is counting cell phone internet as well. 

Because of our financial difficulties, my hubby and I are living the quiet life until we can afford to pick these so called luxuries back up.  My husband doesn't quite understand what I do online and doesn't understand why the internet is vital to indie authors.  'Just take your book someplace else to be published' he says, in a moment of old fashioned ignorance.  I tried to explain to him that it's not that easy, but I don't think he got it.

An interesting side note, about the irony of him being the old fashioned one...he's ten years younger than I am!

But it is giving me plenty of quiet time while off work to do what I love most: read and write, write and read...and an occasional movie while icing my foot.  I am quickly closing the gaps in my second novel.  It's exciting!

I've managed to borrow about an hour of wifi to write this on my cellphone.  Maybe I will get out to my friend's next week to post on my own blog, but since I stumbled on this moment I thought is best update this one first since it's my week. 

Last week I had the pleasure of being the guest at the monthly book club meeting at the Bradford County Library.  It was a pleasure!  A true meeting of kindred spirits!  We might not all like the same genres etc., but we all love to read!  I spoke about my own writing and publishing experience by just letting the ask questions.  
I recognized a few faces, most notably my fifth grade English teacher Miss Carol Myfelt (on my right) and my elementary music teacher Mrs. Smith.

And ran into one of  C.P.'s English teachers as well.  It really is a much smaller world than we think sometimes. 

Especially if you consider that one of the ladies present (Jane, in white) actually met Ernest Hemingway!  She didn't sound all that impressed with him, but we were impressed with her!

I want to write more, but my clock is ticking. And I'd like to pretend to proof this before I hit publish!  Things will be coming together for Mr. Janney and I, he has just started a new job and hopefully my foot will be better soon. It is taking foooorevvvvvver to heal!  One of the curses of diabetes. 

Until next time, I'll be writing in an 'almost Amish' paradise......

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