Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Introducing Ourselves: Broads of a Feather

Broads of a Feather is a concept shared to me this morning by my fellow author and friend, C. P. Stringham.  She thought it would be a great idea for the two of us to unite our creative talents and set up a Facebook page, and a blog, and maybe even a Twitter account.  It sounded like a great way for the two of us to share our talent, enlarge our influence, and introduce you to the crazy worlds we have created.  Along the way, we plan on finding more indie authors in our local area and adding to our circle.

And just who are you? you might be asking right now.

The other half of this team is Robin Janney and I gave C. P. the go ahead this morning with her idea.  She created the Facebook page, Broads of a Feather.  And I get to set up the blog.

Of the same name.  I'm sure you're familiar with the saying, "Birds of a feather, flock together."  Well, the same is true of authors.  At least these two do.  We'll each take turns posting and promoting this page, as well as our Facebook page.

I'm excited to be a part of this.  I love writing and I love blogging.  I will introduce myself and my writing more later as I have work to do with the layout of this blog.

~Robin Janney
Author of A Novel Idea and Farmer's Daughter

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